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Welcome to shark tank the Sharks are successful entrepreneurs from around the wasteland there's Arthur maxon last descendant of Roger maxon and leader of. The Brotherhood of Steel but he's also created the easy guide ultra comfort bedroom flipper and sold over three million pairs their father raised. By the institute and now its directors used his DNA to create sent in his own image also started smell it like, it is an aromatherapy company worth over 65 million bottle caps Desdemona rugged leader of the railroad dedicated to bringing all sense from enslavement also owner of 14 immensely popular.

Casual clothing stores she names sweaters and more Preston Garvey the last of the true Minutemen fighting for, the rights of all people know throughout the Commonwealth for his integrity and sense of justice is also founder.

And CEO of the hugely successful fast food chain big one on a stick now serving 23 Commonwealth locations now is during the, tank is a military man who claims to have the perfect solution to those hungry nights out on patrol, hello sharks my name is Colonel Augustus album and, I am asking for 325,000 bottle caps in exchange for twelve percent equity in my company killing, pop as a soldier in the Enclave I've dedicated my life to service and as a young enlisted man i can remember many nights standing god for hours on end, without being able to grab a snack to hold me over till the end of my shift then a couple of years ago we'd. Hit me what if. It soldier could create his own snacks while working on the job let me show you what I mean as, you know the enclave makes the most sophisticated rifles on the planet well this is no exception it's a modified AR 17 most of last six power fires 40, rounds a second a 65 caliber bullet puts a hole in. A man's chest the size of a soccer ball can penetrate 10-inch steel plating and keel from over 6,000 yards but what's even, more impressive it also provides some much-needed sustenance for our men and women on the front minds everyone put on your protective headphones bill now sharks as. You can see I have completely destroyed the target, but what you can't see is that I've also popped some of the best tasting gourmet popcorn money can. Buy piping hot and ready to eat so who wants to pop up to the table and help me feed the brave men and women of our military and, make a lot of cheddar doing it I love popcorn can we taste it absolutely my assistant. Will be bringing you some samples this first one is our butter pecan crunch there's no preservatives, and no fats are used in the cooking process how does the cooking process work the heat generated from the firing mechanism is hot enough to pop the popcorn okay so it seems like a, product with the end of purpose and direction what are your sales well my sales to date are I am Paltan what, is important is that you, all be important and will be dead in less than 20 minutes there is no antidote it has a little plan will get the chance to show this, great nation of boss boss I'm sorry to interrupt but that's not the. Poison batch what the butter pecan crunch isn't poisoned the caramel Krispies are the poisoned ones oh I love a joke I've. Sold over 12,000 units in the last six months now what do you say we, try our best selling caramel crisp is listen I like the product I think it could be a big, seller but you did try to kill us all with poison so I've out I understand thank you I think you're a good salesman you've made a.

Good pitch you've got a great product you tried to kill us I'm out okay well thank you if we had eaten the caramel krispies but. We have had a painful death unfortunately yes there would have been 10, or 12 minutes there where you would have been begging me to shoot you in the head okay okay so you're very evil thank you for your honesty but I'm.

Out all right thank you for your time there's only one shark left if the colonel wishes.

To make a deal he'll, have to win over Preston Garvey I have a question for you okay why don't you just shoot us with the rifle I thought, it would have been over a little too quickly with not nearly enough drama I thought if I could. Make you guys suffer it will give me a scissor Colonel Adam came to the shark tank seeking a 325,000. Bottle cap investment in his company killing pop and wound up with nothing but a hail of bullets tune in again next week to watch more one of the entrepreneurs on the next episode, of shark tank [Applause] .