Tankr.io Skins

So hard that let me try it out again because I haven’t played it for a while oh yeah hello everybody welcome to tank dad I oh take a deep dial rip off but it’s actually really good so I’m just. Going to name this it’s I think it’s against computers though. The computers are so annoying because they lock on to you well I’d leave enough gotta upgrade some attack on our hate computers go, away go away I think I’m going to upgrade to like double shots because usually that’s the best. Option now I can shoot faster. And I was good always good to have faster speed I like movement but I’ll probably upgrade movement lied, because a little that annoys me well now that that just makes sense that you upgrade meal in Los because movement doesn’t really have to do anything other than if you’re a pussy and you want to go.

Away come on just gives you so easily and want, that I want that yeah what the do i do what I did you would I did you get the hell out of, my face i’m on a lot I don’t are. You kidding me right now she’s so frustrating I have to get all the way back up there I was at a double shot also double shots you should make. Myself like a kid you know those cannon the cannon one yeah she, made myself a can go away what the did I do to you what the did I do to you what the , I mean what the fudge I just noticed how much I was sorry be kidding, me right now go away nobody likes you why is it the double shots always have to steal my kill look he’s not gonna leave me on he’s just gonna , kill me I mean fudging kill me no go away no no no no miss that upgrade my health and defense because. That’s gonna be very useful when it gets to the higher levels so you should upgrade that after that because. Then he’ll like that they’re not the double shot should be more helpful now come.

On there’s all the other there’s a then I mean shat ton of damage yeah there, we go that’s much better no go away you do you and I’ll do me we won’t do each other probably I got that. From Park to fire so oh no okay no matter, what I can oh no this word just said known for a second go away no no no okay that was easier see now should be, easy to take out these guys should be really easy not really easy but it should be, easy Holland on the leaderboard yet no no no no go away please don’t hurt me sheet that that was a.

Three-shot over there I’m not out of the clear yet I still got incredible I wonder if I could make it a World Record Office not because it’s a, computer game I get well it’s a bunch of I, guess it’s just a bunch of laws so it wouldn’t really beat a heart counter after a while because eventually everybody. Would be just way too easy to go there we go free shot that’s a lot better upgrade the house. Meet the hell if I want to stay alive now it should be.

A lot harder to take me out you look at that usually that one yo what up exactly really hard on my face what did I do to you I was just busy shooting over here, with these shapes and then you just decided to go ahead and shoot any na na na na na na na na. Dhih his theory of great defense and how upgrade my health of green wash. Now my house is next wonder what the next upgrade is haven’t seen the next upgrade. Actually well at least I haven’t think I’ve seen it. I usually use the cannon for this all my god not this guy going here we go for defend their holy crap the guys spring bullets down there there’s so much hell that oh shoot i’m not.

Mad i think i can handle this guy nope but i’m getting triple teamed. Triple-teamed holy crap not um triple team is not okay not okay oh no oh no.

Oh yes that’s sick that looks sick I like actually pretty sick alright yeah I’m on the leader board I just noticed that Oh I like invincible scroll you guys lolz anybody, wanna make like oh you want. You want to show that mean you die I don’t know something by oh no no no I to you die too, just killing everybody like it’s nothing so easy oh god no none think I don’t take him on they cannot take them. Out take them up upgrade that full penetration need that oh my God he’s gonna have so, much holy they’re like quadruple teaming me I’m firing at any children ting no no no more bull preservation I thought this as a wife is catch. Too much I’ll look as if i. Go back he’ll just start attacking me no no back off well I’m so done Oh Frick this anyways goodbye everybody have a nice day .